Caring for Vintage Polymers

As the first plastic was invented in 1862 and plastics injection molding has been around since 1872, there are a number of antiques composed of polymers that are of interest to collectors. However, due to the nature of the material, there are certain things that should be kept in mind to ensure that your vintage plastics remain in the best condition possible.

– Polymers should be stored away from light, in a place where they will receive proper ventilation. Thus, sealed clear plastic containers would not be a good choice.

– Inspect pieces at least once a year for any deterioration. If a piece is clearly degrading, it should be kept away from the rest of your collection.

– Avoid using cleaners with solvents, as they can damage polymers.

– Protect pieces from acid by wearing cotton gloves when handling them and wrapping them in archival tissue paper for storage.

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